Tomonaga, Y., Ashi, J., Takahata, N., Sano, Y. Noble-gas isotope signature in the sediment pore water of the Nankai Trough. JAMSTECu[A[XV|WE ()
¨ΌlCYama TomonagaC¬¨³CΆrhCΒRΉvCMikael HultCΌμ~CAΌυvCcCcΆC²μLiDk«\wC Μg`EZxDGeotracesV|WEiηtj
Tomonaga, Y., Takahata, N., Obata, H., Gamo, T., Kipfer, R., Aoyama, M., Hult, M., Sano, Y. Tritium in the ocean off the coast of Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Ocean Science Meeting (Hawaii, USA)
Sano, Y., Hori, M., Takahata, N., Shirai, K., Watanabe, W. Middle Holocene daily light cycle recorded in the Sr/Ca ratios of a fossil giant clam shell. Ocean Science Meeting (Hawaii, USA)
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